Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Secrets of The Immortal Nicholas Flamel

You may have read the title of this post, of this series, and thought, "I know that name...How do I know Nicholas Flamel?" Well, you may realize that he is a character that is featured in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone as the owner of the stone.

This Nicholas Flamel, although based on the same man, is very different. In this series (of five books, with three released) we meet Nicholas through the eyes of Josh and Sophie. They are fifteen-year-old twins who are working boring jobs in San Francisco while their archeologist parents are on a dig. Life is normal, until a strange man shows up at the book shop where Josh works. John Dee shows up, looking for Nick Fleming, aka Nicholas Flamel, and his wife, owners of the shop. The first of many magical battles begins as Josh, and Sophie, have their lives changed forever.
In the three books released, Josh and Sophie discover they are no normal teenagers. Magic and science meet to shape their lives and futures. They are constantly bombarded with battles- both internal and external. Who do we trust? Who's motives are to help us, and not further themselves? And why is that man suddenly turning into a huge deer?

I truly enjoyed this face-paced story. I wanted to read more, and even when the story line switched to another, I was never disappointed. The twins, Josh and Sophie, are likeable. They remind me a lot of Kendra and Seth from the Fablehaven series. One complaint I have is, while they do show love for one another like the Fablehaven siblings do, they never show irritation. This makes their relationship seem slightly less realistic. I have yet to meet a brother and sister who do not grate on each other's nerves, especially after being worn out through battles and chased all over Europe. I do like how you never know who to trust- enemies don't seem so bad, and allies don't seem so great. It makes predicting much more challenging, and fun! A must read for fantasy readers, or anyone who loves the cross-bred genre discussed earlier.

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